Acne Sweet Treats Cook Book

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My Acne Sweet Treat Cook Book includes 50+ recipes I ate to indulge my sweet tooth and heal my Acne too!

All recipes are:

  • Gluten free
  • Dairy Free
  • Refined Sugar Free
  • Use only natural ingredients and wholefoods
  • Nothing artificial - no artificial colours, flavours, sweeteners, additives or preservatives.
  • Anti-inflammatory by nature
  • Lower GI
  • Easy to make - no special equipment needed!
  • ALL Guilt free!
  • ALL sooooo Yummy!

I have spent years trialing these recipes to get them absolutely perfect!

I wanted each recipe to taste just as delicious (if not more!) as their much less healthy traditional counterparts. All while ensuring they actually support my Acne healing instead of taking from it. 

Traditional sweet treats are most often filled with refined sugar, gluten, grains, dairy, artificial additives, flavours, preservatives which studies have shown ALL exacerbate Acne. They are often extremely high GI and highly inflammatory also shown to inflame and aggrevate existing acne.

This Cook book not only gives you over 50 of the yummiest acne helping treats you will ever find to indulge your sweet tooth, but it also backs it with the latest medically recognised food triggers and aggrevators of acne so you can finally understand what foods are proven to help acne, and which are proven to make it worse.

No more guessing, no more guilt everytime you put something in your mouth, this is real knowledge, this is real progress towards healing your acne once and for all.

"Armed with knowledge anything is possible!"

Just some of the acne helping recipes you will find in this Cook Book:

  • Ice Cream
  • Brownies
  • Choc Chip Bicsuits
  • Carrot Cake
  • Chocolate Mud Cake with Genache icing
  • Donuts
  • Fudge
  • Cheesecake
  • Caramel tart
  • chocolate, chocolate, and more chocolate!
  • Plus many more....

And YES ALL Gluten free, Dairy Free, Refined sugar free, Natural, Anti-inflammatory, Lower GI and Guilt free!

You really can eat your cake and heal your Acne too!!