Meet Hailey



And I am a survivor of chronic adult acne.


Survivor may seem a tad dramatic to some, but for those who have experienced acne first hand I know you can relate.

A few pimples here and there are annoying, however Acne is something entirely different. Acne is all encompassing!

It is extremely painful, it’s embarrassing, it’s the first thing people see of us, it’s impossible to cover, it's confidence destroying and it can seem like a never ending battle. For over a decade I felt alone, depressed, insecure, judged, self conscious, overwhelmed, ugly and disgusting in my own skin.

I tried for over a decade to clear my skin. But I just never knew what would work and whenever I thought I was finally making progress I seemed to wake to find yet more acne!

How I finally healed my Acne:

Fast forward to today and I have been completely free of acne for over 4 years now. I would be lying if I said it was easy, I would be lying if I said it was some magical skincare regime (skincare alone can not do that), and I would be lying if I said acne did not break me to the very core. But lucky for you I am not here to lie, quite the contrary! I am here to spread light on every single thing I did (and didn’t do) and share exactly how I finally came to Naturally and Consciously heal my acne for good!

It’s important to immediately note I am not a doctor or dermatologist, and this is not a medical professional’s approach to acne. Chances are, just like me, you have already seen your fair share of doctors and dermatologists and yet you still have not healed your acne for good.

Instead I offer you an acne survivor's guide to healing acne naturally and for life! Exactly what I did and what I learnt to heal my acne for good. No medication, no antibiotics, no chemicals or harsh skincare. Kind, conscious and natural healing for life!


The 3 Steps:

In finally healing my acne, I discovered just three steps to my acne success that can be applied by anyone:

STEP 1: Understand why YOU have acne.

STEP 2: Discover what is causing YOUR acne and treat that cause.

STEP 3: Transcend YOUR acne identity.

 These three steps are how I healed my acne naturally and for good, and how I hope to inspire others to do the same.

There is no one size fits all answer when it comes to healing acne, and there is definitely no magic pill. Every single person has a unique cause and reason for their acne, so healing your acne needs to be personalised to you and you alone. This 3 step method allows just this for anyone who wishes to use it.

Real healing requires real action and real work on your behalf. So if you are willing to put in the work required from these 3 steps, I truly believe you can find the healing you deserve!

I wish I had a program like this 15 years ago when I first started suffering from my acne, it would have saved me a lot of time, money and heartache. And yet I now would not change it for the world. I am so grateful for the strength and resilience I have gained from my acne journey, and am blessed with the chance to now share with you exactly how you can break your acne cycle once and for all!

I hope my story can be your compass back to clear skin, this simple 3 step guide to naturally and consciously curing adult acne. If you follow this process I believe you can heal your acne for life!

A big call but I personally know it to be true.

So without further adieu, I hope you can join me and I can not wait to see your transformation!!

With much Love Hails xx

